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Toll box for motorhomes and vehicles over 3 meters height

Product information "Toll box for motorhomes and vehicles over 3 meters height"

Save time and unnecessary traffic jams at toll stations: Travel in comfort on holiday with the toll box!

Our toll service for your journey, order your toll box online: With the toll box for motorhomes from  you can pay toll costs and tolls electronically and contactless in Austria, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, as well as the Liefkenshoektunnel in Belgium.

How do I install the toll box from

The installation of our toll box for motorhomes is simple and straightforward. The toll box is supplied with a mounting bracket. This is how you proceed when mounting the toll box:

Mautbox Anbringung Windschutzscheibe

Motorhome mounting of the toll box

  1. Attach the toll box to the bracket supplied.
  2. Then clean the area of the windscreen* to which the toll box is to be attached. Use a slightly damp cloth or usual window cleaner.
  3. Remove the protective film from the adhesive strip at the bottom of the toll box holder.
  4. Now you can press the holder with the adhesive strip firmly onto the cleaned area.
  5. That's it. Your toll box is ready for use.
☛ Caution*

If you have a coated windscreen, it is essential to fit the toll box in the uncoated recess (see vehicle manual).

Mounting toll box for motorhomes

☛ Attention

The calculations regarding tolls in France depend on the size and weight of your vehicle. Especially for motorhomes, the height of 3 meters and a weight of 3.5 tons becomes relevant here. Because from a height of more than 3 meters and a weight of more than 3.5 tons, a different toll box is officially required. In practice, however, it has been shown that there is a certain fuzziness in the measurement. As a result, only vehicles that weigh significantly more than 3.5 tonnes and are over 3 metres high require a toll box for large vehicles. To clarify this for you:

  • Vehicle weighs 4.5 tonnes and is 2.95 metres high -> the toll box for vehicles up to 3 metres works
  • Vehicle weighs 4.6 tonnes and is 2.95 metres high -> the toll box for vehicles over 3 metres will work
  • Vehicle weighs 4.2 tonnes and is 3.05 metres high -> the toll box for vehicles up to 3 metres will work
  • Vehicle weighs 4.2 tonnes and is 3.06 metres high -> the toll box for vehicles over 3 metres will work

For the height of your vehicle, the mere vehicle height is measured, superstructures are not to be taken into account.

  • Since the vehicle class in France is based on the actual vehicle data, the actual weight of your vehicle while driving through the toll stations also counts here - not the maximum permissible total weight.
  • If the towing vehicle has at least 3 axles, you will need the "toll box for motorhomes and vehicles over 3 metres high", regardless of height and weight. Data of a trailer are irrelevant when deciding which toll box is needed.
  • Trailers are recognised at the relevant points on site, which automatically adjusts the toll payable. Trailers have no influence on the selection of the toll box type.

Please note: These examples are only recommendations from us, we do not give any guarantee, as vehicles are classified automatically at the toll station.

Please check the relevant vehicle documents to make sure which toll box variant you require. There are now also many models under 3 metres for motorhomes and campers.

In our blog post "Will motorhomes over 3.5 tonnes be subject to tolls in Germany?" we inform you about the toll reform in Germany, which will come into force on 1 July 2024 and will apply to all vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross weight that are used to transport goods.

Are you new to travelling with a motorhome or are you looking for tips on how to best prepare for your next trip? In our article "The best tips for newcomers to travelling with a camper or motorhome", we present the most important checks and provide assistance for travelling with a motorhome.

Versatile use of our toll box

In addition to paying tolls, a toll box from can be used in many other ways:

  • Car parks: in many car parks there is now automatic recognition of the toll boxes. The parking time is then settled via the subsequent billing, similar to the toll.
  • Ferries: On the streets of Messina, they can additionally use ferries.
  • Italy: Lanes marked with a yellow "T" are only used by vehicles with a toll box.
  • France: All lanes marked with a “t” can be used with the toll box.
  • Spain: To reduce waiting times, Telepass users should use the lanes marked with "Telepeaje", "VIA-T" or with a "T" to pay the toll in Spain.
  • Portugal: Please use the lanes marked with the green “v” or with the blue image of a car and the radio signal.
  • Austria: The general toll in Austria is automatically collected when driving on the motorway. As there are no explicit toll stations here, you do not need to pay any further attention. In addition to the motorway toll, there are special toll routes in Austria. The Brenner toll is one of these routes. Here you should simply drive a little slower through the toll stations taking the “Go”-lanes to make sure that automatic toll collection can take place.
  • Belgium: With our toll box you can pay the toll for the Liefkenshoektunnel in Belgium electronically and contactless.

Order the toll box from and enjoy the advantages

✓ One toll box for several countries

Our toll box for motorhomes can be used in Austria, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal .

✓ Immediately ready for use

The use of our toll box is not subject to any activation. The toll box is ready for use as soon as you have ordered and received it from us.

✓ Easy assembly

You simply mount your toll box on the windscreen and drive through the toll stations relaxed and without interruptions – saving time and avoiding stress!

✓ No queue

With our toll box for motorhomes, you pass through the toll stations without waiting. This way you avoid unnecessary congestion at the toll stations.

☛ Good to know

When passing through a toll station, pay attention to the signs. Some lanes are explicitly set up for vehicles with a telepass (toll box) and therefore have no queue. Therefore, look out for the relevant signage in good time so that you can pass through a toll station easily and without complications.

Toll box for motorhomes and vehicle exchange

Can I transfer my toll box for vehicles over 3 metres height to another vehicle?

  • With the toll box for vehicles over 3 metres height, it is not possible to change vehicles due to the individual personalisation of the toll box.
  • However, it is possible to change vehicles registered to the toll box for vehicles up to 3 metres high.

How does a toll box work?

Mautbox Funktion

There are antennas at the toll stations that transmit a signal. If there is a toll box in the vehicle, the signal is sent back from the toll box to the toll station.

Mautbox Funktion

The toll station recognises that it is a toll box from and sends us the corresponding toll transaction within a few weeks.

Mautbox Funktion

We process these costs for you and send you an invoice for all toll transactions made. We take care of the billing with the toll operators for you.

Order the toll box from and benefit from the numerous advantages.

Do you have any further questions? Then take a look at our FAQ section or contact us. We will be happy to help you!

Are you ready for the current motorhome season?
In our blog you will find the article: 
Winterising your motorhome properly: these tips will help you get the season off to a good start

Our toll service enables simple billing

You drive through the toll stations without any congestion and we take care of the billing. We settle your toll charges with the respective toll operator, which we usually debit monthly using the payment method you have specified, and then issue a clear invoice to you.

Contract information

Since the toll box for vehicles over 3 meters height must be individually personalized to your vehicle, the right of withdrawal after ordering does not apply here.

You can use your toll box for as short or long as you wish. If you no longer need the toll box, simply return it to the following address:

maut1 GmbH
Eduard-Rüber-Str. 7
83022 Rosenheim Germany

We only invoice the fees incurred so far.

The Austrian toll operator makes spot checks regarding the order data. I. e. the details in the vehicle registration document are checked for compliance against the details you provided to Such a check is no cause for concern. In case of a check we will contact you immediately by e-mail in order for you to send a scan or photo of your vehicle registration document within 48 hours.

If we do not receive proof of the vehicle registration document within the specified period, the toll box may have to be blocked for a fee and additional charges may be charged by the toll operator.

If you keep the toll box for longer than one year, the contract will be extended for another year and the annual fee of € 79.90 will be charged again. The annual fee covers the provision of the toll box, but not the individual toll charges.

The tolls or other passage fees incurred when passing through the toll booths are separate costs and will be charged additionally. You do not have to do anything else. We will settle all tolls incurred on your trip via your lodged payment method.

Tolling in Europe

In many European countries there are compulsory tolls on the motorways. In some countries, such as Switzerland, the toll is paid with a vignette depending on the time, while in others, such as Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, it is paid at toll stations depending on the route. Payment is usually made by cash, credit card or toll box. The advantage of the toll box is the use of a reserved lane that is not available to cash or card payers. With the toll box, you are at the barrier faster and can then drive through at up to 30 km/h in complete relaxation. The toll station recognises the toll box and opens the barrier automatically. We settle the toll charges incurred with you afterwards in a comprehensible and transparent manner. Read more about tolls and toll charges in Europe.

Shop image ©Oleksandra – & Assembly image ©Peter Atkins –

Price List
Description Price
Annual fee
will be debited for the first time one month after dispatch and subsequently every 365 days.
One-time payment
Activation fee 19,90€
Shipping Fee - see shipping information from 3,90€
If necessary
Blocking fee
if the toll box is stolen, lost or severely damaged, it must be blocked.
Express delivery 35,00€
Tolls Route-dependent
a surcharge of 5% is due on the gross toll turnover
Cleaning fee
if a toll box arrives with us that is heavily soiled, we reserve the right to charge a cleaning fee
Processing fee return debit / chargeback 35,00€

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16 January 2025 10:52

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Super gemakkelijk

Een verademing. Zeker in Frankrkjk op wegen waar elektronische tol geldt en geen tolpoorten meer.

29 November 2022 13:40

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars

Völlig entspannt am Stau vorbei

Nach einer 5-wöchigen Reise durch Frankreich und Spanien kann ich nur sagen: Ich bin noch nie so entspannt an und durch die Maut-Stationen gefahren, wie in diesem Urlaub. Ich habe für mein Wohnmobil die 5-Länder-Box gekauft. Und ja, die Box kostet Geld. Aber ich möchte diesen Komfort nicht mehr missen. Wer ehrlich ist, wird bestätigen: Bekannterweise sind die Positionen für die Kreditkartenschlitze an den Mautstationen entweder zu hoch, nämlich für LKW'S, oder zu tief, nämlich für PKW's. Ohne ganz nahes Heranfahren, mit dem Risiko, den Spiegel des eigenen Fahrzeuges zu demolieren, und ohne Verrenkungen, kommt man überhaupt nicht an die Karteneingabestelle heran. Und wehe, die Karte fällt herunter. Dann muss der Beifahrer aussteigen, weil man die Fahrertür nicht mehr aufbekommt. All diese Misslichkeiten gehören für mich der Vergangenheit an. Und es gibt noch einen weiteren, nicht zu unterschätzenden Vorteil. Ich höre durch einen Signalton, ob mein Fahrzeug erkannt und damit die Maut auch abgebucht wird. Vorher musste man sich eine Quittung am Maut-Automaten ausdrucken lassen, um sicher zu gehen, dass die Maut auch wirklich abgebucht wurde und später keine Nachforderungen kommen. Aber wer hat das immer gemacht? Heute weiß ich durch Signalton und spätere Abrechnungsliste, dass ich bezahlt habe. Ich für meinen Teil sehe die Mautbox als Dienstleistung an, die ich gerne in Anspruch nehme. Bedanken möchte ich mich bei Firmenleitung und Mitarbeitern auch für den sehr freundlichen Kontakt und den vorzüglichen Service. Durch eigenes Verschulden hatte ich sehr spät daran gedacht, die Maut-Box zu bestellen. Dennoch gelang es den freundlichen Mitarbeitern, mir die Box noch rechtzeitig vor Fahrtantritt zuzusenden. Dafür nochmals meinen herzlichen Dank.

18 April 2023 22:42

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars machte mir das fast Unmachbare möglich

Ich kann nur empfehlen, sie machten für mich das fast Unmögliche möglich. In kürzester Zeit bekam ich meine Box nach einer kurzen Mail von mir und einem sehr netten, hilfsbereiten Telefonat mit einer Mitarbeiterin von geliefert . Das sind 5 Sterne plus. Auch die Beschaffungs.- u. jährlichen Mietkosten sind viel günstiger als andere Mitanbieter von Mautboxen. Ich hoffe, dass es mit der Funktion des Gerätes auf unserer etwas kurzfristig geplanten Tour genauso gut klappt. Da dieses Mautgerät sehr kleine Abmessungen hat, bekomme ich auch keine Probleme beim Zuziehen des Frontscheiben Remis. Nochmals vielen Dank und macht weiter so.

14 October 2023 19:54

Review with rating of 5 out of 5 stars


Wir haben die Box im August bestellt nach einer Woche kam sie an .benutzt haben wir sie Ende September.-Anfangs Oktober. SIE FUNKTIONIERT PERFEKT ,so entspannt sind wir noch nie durch die zahlstellen gefahren ,die Abrechnung per Email super zusammengestellt und übersichtlich besten Dank maut1 de wir können diese Box wärmstens weiterempfehlen mfg.R.Muntwyler

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